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Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Closing date
Oct 15, 2023


Postdoctoral Scholarships at

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution



Scholarships designed to extend the education and training of the applicants and to advance their research careers are available to new or recent doctoral graduates in diverse areas of research.  Applications will be accepted from doctoral recipients whose research interests align with the following Departmental and interdepartmental research:


            Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering                   Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry

            Physical Oceanography                                            Geology & Geophysics



Applications will also be accepted from those with research interests in the following:


The National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility (NOSAMS) will award a fellowship in radiocarbon research and/or the development or improvement of analytical techniques or instrumentation.


USGS/WHOI - areas of common interest between USGS and WHOI Scientific Staff.  The individual will interact with both USGS and WHOI based advisors on their research.



Criteria for awards include demonstrated research independence, productivity and novelty, and community service.  Scholarships are awarded for 18-month appointments ($70,000 annual stipend; health and welfare and travel allowances; and a research budget).  Recipients are encouraged to pursue their own research interest mentored by resident staff.  Communication with potential WHOI advisors prior to applying is encouraged. Completed applications must be received by October 15, 2023, to start any time after January 1, 2024 and before December 1, 2024. Awards will be announced in December. 

Further information about the Scholarships and application forms as well as links to the individual Departments and their research themes may be obtained at: 


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