Biogeosciences PhD $75,000 - $99,999 jobs
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$75,000 - $99,999
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Research Scientist in Deep Learning & Water Resources
Research Scientist in Deep Learning & Water Resources Tulane University’s ByWater Institute invites applications for a staff research scientist in ...
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Assistant or Associate Professor in Geochronology / Director of the Nevada Isotope Geochronology Lab
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas invites applications for Assistant or Associate Professor in Geochronology / Director of the Nevada Isotope Geo...
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Assistant Professor of Sustainability, Climate Solutions, Environmental Health, Barnard College
Full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor in Environmental Sustainability, Department of Environmental Science, Barnard College, Columbia University
Assistant Professor of Instruction in Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences, GIS focus
We seek a colleague with core strength in GIS, who will teach other courses in their field of expertise.
Assistant Professor - Paleontology
Assistant Professor of Paleontology to teach effectively at the undergraduate and graduate levels