Cryosphere Sciences jobs
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Cryosphere Sciences
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- Paid 4
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Found 5 Internship, Academia jobs
Research Assistant Position (Full-time) at Sustainable, Healthy, and Resilient Buildings (SHRB) Lab
Research Assistant Position in Sustainable, Healthy, and Resilient Buildings Lab. open to candidates with bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees.
Summer Student Fellowship (REU) in Ocean Sciences and Engineering
Paid undergraduate summer research opportunity (REU) in ocean sciences, geosciences and ocean engineering.
Two postdoc scholarships in Arctic remote sensing focusing on ecology or permafrost landforms
Two postdoc scholarships in Arctic remote sensing focusing on ecology or permafrost landforms using UAVs/drones and AI.
Paid Summer Research Experience for Undergrads @ NSF Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX)
Summer undergraduate research program studying Antarctic ice cores & climate history. Lab work with scientists; virtual cohort meetings & workshops.
Paid Summer Research Experience for Undergrads @ NSF Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX)
Summer undergraduate research program studying Antarctic ice cores & climate history. Lab work with scientists; virtual cohort meetings & workshops.