Geochemistry jobs
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Found 8 No Relocation jobs
Senior Modeler – Biogeochemistry
As a Senior Modeler, you will play a crucial role in developing and applying dynamic and mechanistic biogeochemical models to predict weathering rates
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Post-Doctoral Position
Post-Doctoral Position: In Advanced Fluid-Rock Interactions Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
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PhD Student
ABE Pathfinder Fellowship – Fall 2025: Reclaiming Legacy Phosphorus from Lake Okeechobee for Sustainable Agriculture and Ecosystem Restoration
Postdoctoral Fellow
Are you inspired to delve into the fascinating realms of desert research? We invite candidates interested in conducting postdoctoral research to ap...
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Mote Internships allow college students and recent college graduates to gain valuable hands-on experience in Ocean Science research, conservation a...
PhD/MS opportunity: Groundwater tracers and age dating
We invite PhD/MS applicants to participate in a recently funded collaborative research study to evaluate groundwater recharge at the margin of the ...
Funded PhD in wetland sediment biogeochemistry: Joint International Supervision Scheme (CUHK-UBC)
We are seeking an enthusiastic and self-motivated student for a funded PhD position in wetland sediment biogeochemistry, starting in July/August 2...
NSF SOARS 2025 First-Year Protege Applications
NSF SOARS program supports undergrads in pursuing careers in atmospheric and related sciences through research, mentoring, and community support.
Postdoctoral Research Scholar - Geomicrobiology and Astrobiology
The School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) at Arizona State University invites applications for a postdoctoral research scholar in geomicrobi...
Helmholtz Investigator Group Leader (m/f/d)
Background As an internationally renowned Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) is one of the very few...