Found 4 Direct Employer, No Relocation, Academia jobs using the terms 'remote sensing'
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Remote sensing Researcher/Scientist III - Biosphere 2 University of Arizona
Researcher/Scientist III to advance science (focused on remote sensing indices or plant performance/gas exchange) at the LEO of Biosphere 2.
Graduate Research Assistantships in Remote Sensing of Water
Dr. Walter McDonald in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at Marquette University is seeking Masters or PhD stude...
M.S. Graduate Research Assistantship on Climate Extremes and Remote Sensing
M.S. graduate student support is available at Cal State LA to perform NASA related research projects including a summer internship at NASA JPL.
Postdoctoral Fellow
The University of Richmond Department of Geography, Environment, and Sustainability seeks a postdoctoral scholar to contribute to efforts to co-...