PhD $100,000 - $124,999 jobs
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$100,000 - $124,999
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- Full-time 3
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Found 6 Negotiable jobs
Assistant Professor in Wind Engineering
Texas Tech University, Whitacre College of Engineering, is seeking a full time Assistant Professor in Wind Engineering.
Assistant or Associate Professor in Critical Minerals for the Energy Transition -Tenure Track
We seek applicants that study critical mineral processes that concentrate and transport elements, and the economic viability of their production.
Assistant/Associate Professor, Environmental Remote Sensing & Geospatial Technologies
Department of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Environment Tenure-Track Posting #FAGEES02-24 AGU The University of Northern B...
Senior Modeler – Biogeochemistry
As a Senior Modeler, you will play a crucial role in developing and applying dynamic and mechanistic biogeochemical models to predict weathering rates
Postdoctoral Research Fellows - Air Force Science & Technology Fellowship Program
Postdoc and Sr. Fellowship awards at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), AFIT, USAFA, and USSF
Postdoctoral Research Associates - NRC Research Associateship Programs
Postdoc and Sr. research awards at participating federal labs and affiliated institutions at locations throughout the U.S. and abroad