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Found 23 Negotiable, Academia, North America jobs
Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
The Program in Environmental Studies (ES) at Bates College seeks to hire a one-year, full-time, Visiting Assistant Professor in environmental field...
Smead Endowed Chair in Space Technology
The University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) seeks an outstanding scholar in space technology to become the Smead Endowed Chair in Space Technol...
Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Applied AI (Atmospheric Science Focus)
The University of Wyoming is dedicated to advancing and expanding its expertise in AI while growing its research enterprise.
Assistant/Associate Professor
The Division of Biology at Kansas State University invites applications for a tenure-track, nine-month Assistant/Associate Professor position.
Assistant Professor in Wind Engineering
Texas Tech University, Whitacre College of Engineering, is seeking a full time Assistant Professor in Wind Engineering.
Hydrologic Modeling - Asst/Assoc/Full Professor (open rank) - Texas Tech University
Faculty: hydrologic modeling, especially integrated water resources management of surface/groundwater in arid coupled natural-human systems (ag-urban)
Dean, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science
University of Miami invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science
Postdoc in Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Postdoctoral Position in Stable Isotope Geochemistry Join the DRIAR (Dry Rifting in Albertine and Rhino Graben) project at UC Davis' Department of ...
Visiting Assistant Professor of Geosciences
Oberlin College invites applications for a full-time non-continuing faculty position in oceanography, limnology, or climate science.
Assistant or Associate Professor in Critical Minerals for the Energy Transition -Tenure Track
We seek applicants that study critical mineral processes that concentrate and transport elements, and the economic viability of their production.
Assistant Professor - Synthetic Biology for Sustainable Food Systems
Assistant Professor Cohort Hire: Harnessing the Power of Synthetic Biology Focus: Synthetic Biology for Sustainable Food Systems Department of Food...
Search for the Director, Accelerating Resilience Innovations in Drylands Institute The University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico The Unive...
Post-doctoral scholar in community-based societal relevant Geoscience, Earth & Environmental Science
Post-doctoral scholar position in Geoscience for NSF-funded project Leading Inclusive Transformation in Geoscience - LIT GEO".
Assistant Professor of Geosciences (Sedimentary Geology)
The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Dept. of Geosciences seeks innovative candidates for a 9-month tenure track faculty position in the broad ...
Chairperson of Plant and Soil Sciences, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of Delaware Equal Employment Opportunity Statement The University of Delaware is an Equal Opportunity Employer which encourages applicat...
Postdoctoral Researcher in boreal and sub-Arctic biogeochemistry and climate change
Postdoctoral researcher position in soil to sea biogeochemistry in boreal and subarctic landscapes and coastal ecosystems.
Associate Professor / Professor (Open Rank) – Climate Systems Engineering initiative (CSEi)
The University of Chicago invites applications for multiple faculty positions (tenured associate or full professor) from scholars who will make sig...
Assistant Professor - Coastal Meteorology
The Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences at Louisiana State University invites applications for an Assistant Professor - Coastal Meteorology.
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin seeks to hire a full-time, non-ten...
Cluster Hire - Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Environmental Systems
The College of Natural Sciences (CNS) and the Jackson School of Geosciences (JSG) at the University of Texas at Austin invite applications for thre...