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Found 6 Direct Employer, United States jobs
Summer Student Fellowship (REU) in Ocean Sciences and Engineering
Paid undergraduate summer research opportunity (REU) in ocean sciences, geosciences and ocean engineering.
Science Policy Fellowship
Scientists will hone their policy skills by putting them to practice for the benefit of Gulf Coast communities and ecosystems.
Carbon Containment Lab Summer Internship
Research and support developing innovative carbon reduction and containment approaches aiming to advance natural and engineered climate solutions
Paid Summer Research Experience for Undergrads @ NSF Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX)
Summer undergraduate research program studying Antarctic ice cores & climate history. Lab work with scientists; virtual cohort meetings & workshops.
Undergraduate Research Experiences
Mote Internships allow college students and recent college graduates to gain valuable hands-on experience in Ocean Science research, conservation a...
Paid Summer Research Experience for Undergrads @ NSF Center for Oldest Ice Exploration (COLDEX)
Summer undergraduate research program studying Antarctic ice cores & climate history. Lab work with scientists; virtual cohort meetings & workshops.